Our Governors are very involved in the life of the school and it is their job to assist the Headteacher in continuing to raise achievement for all. They meet each term as whole Governing Body and several times a term in different committees, each with a specific focus, e.g. Health and Safety, Finance, Curriculum and Achievement and Teaching.

Our Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions and are made up of community members, parents and teaching and non teaching staff.

Governors regularly visit school and meet with teachers and subject leaders in order to stay well informed. They are usually represented on recruitment panels and often attend training days. They keep up to date with regular training themselves.

Occasionally vacancies arise for parent Governors and when they do, we will inform you through the school newsletter and website

Governors can be contacted in writing via the School Office.

Chair of GovernorsMrs Tammy Leppington-Smith
Vice ChairRev Jane Penn

Mrs D Organ 

Mrs T. Traves (Safeguarding Governor)

Mrs D. Wardell

Mr E. Day

Mr A. Harrison

Mrs J. Mallott

Mrs M. Sinclair

Mr W. Traves