Welcome to The Kittiwake Class

Mrs Wardell teaches the Year 3 and Year 4 children in this class. She is supported by Mrs Holdsworth, who is a teaching assistant.

Our Class Charter:

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Kittiwake Activities

Cross Country

We are now well practised at x-country and had our intra event last Tuesday. Again the sun shone and the children had a great time, putting in real effort to run as far as they could around our track.

Well done everyone!

SSP Rainbow Run

Last Friday, Miss Bulman and I took the year 3 children to take part in the SSP Rainbow Run at Hull University.  The children completed a track of 1.5km and then did a golf and a cricket activity took. The children were fantastic and they certainly showed determination and support for each other whilst really enjoying themselves. The smiles say it all. On a serious note… some of these children can run like the wind.