Flamborough CofE Primary School continues to be a GOOD school.

Ofsted (2019)
Areas for improvement from SIAMs

To strengthen SMSC by providing more requent atructured opportunities for children to plan and lead collective worship.

To provide opportunities for learners to learn directly from members of a variety of world faiths.

The DFE School performance tables website is below:
To improve progress in reading to be sustained and above national

2018 Results

KS1 Reading71% Expected24% GD
KS2 Reading92% Expected33% GD

2019 Results

KS1 Reading88% Expected18% GD
KS2 Reading68% Expected14% GD
To improve progress in maths across the school

2018 Results

KS1 Maths76% Expected24% GD
KS2 Maths100% Expected25% GD

2019 Results

KS1 Maths83% Expected18% GD
KS2 Maths91% Expected18% GD
To improve attainment and rates of progress in writing across KS2

2018 Results

KS1 Writing71% Expected24% GD
KS2 Writing100% Expected17% GD

2019 Results

KS1 Writing76%  EXP24%  GD
KS2 Writing77% EXP23%  GD