Welcome to The Puffins Class

Mrs Dinsdale teaches the EYFS and Year 1 children in this class. She is supported by Mrs Goacher and Mrs Sutton (nursery nurses) and Mrs Cousins who is a teaching assistant.

Our Class Charter:

We will play nicely, doing things together and sharing our toys. We will be kind and nice to others and always be friends. When we are hurt or sad we will help each other and make each other happy. We will always try our very best.

Starting school is an exciting time, but can sometimes feel a little daunting for both children and parents. At Flamborough School we aim to provide a caring, safe and happy environment for your child to grow, develop and learn. The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework provides the curriculum for children’s learning in Reception and is based around four key themes: ‘a unique child’, ‘positive relationships’, ‘enabling environments’ and ‘learning and development’, all of which underpin our practice and provision.

There are seven areas of learning within the curriculum:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

Our classroom is carefully planned and resourced to provide a rich and stimulating environment, which encompasses all of the areas of learning, for the children to explore and learn. Our highly experienced team of Early Years staff provide a balance of teacher led and self-chosen activities, through indoor and outdoor provision, which enables the children to learn new skills, develop independence and further their interests and creativity.

We also ensure that our Year One children are able to follow the National Curriculum, by carefully planning to meet their individual needs, and providing a challenging and ambitious programme of learning that runs alongside, and together with, our EYFS provision.

If you would like to discuss anything regarding your child starting school, please contact the school office who will arrange for Mrs Dinsdale, our EYFS/Year One teacher, to speak to you.

Puffin Class Activities

Stay and Read

It was lovely to have parents in school for our ‘Stay and Read’ session and to see them enjoying a range of stories, books and activities with the children. Thank you to everyone who attended.

This week we have been learning all about Harvest Festival. We have talked about how this is the time Christians thank God for all the food we have, as well as learning about the work farmers do over the year to be able to harvest the crops in the Summer and Autumn. We celebrated Harvest Festival with a whole school performance for parents. Puffin Class sang ‘Thank you God for the Harvest’ and were amazing!

Our Year One children are really enjoying our new reading scheme, ‘Rhino Readers’, which is linked to our Goverment approved Phonics teaching scheme, ‘Twinkl Phonics’. Here, you can see the children reading aloud independently.

Settling In

The children have enjoyed lots of different activities both insiade and outside over the first two weeks back. Our new starters have settled really well and our returning Year Ones have been very sensible, thoughtful and kind when helping the younger children.