We aspire to keep community at the heart of Flamborough School, where every member knows that they belong to our family.

God enables us to grow together in love and learning. We strive for academic excellence through a respect for learning and develop resilience to face all challenges. Guided by our faith, we develop responsibility to ourselves, others and the world.

Our vision is founded on Matthew 13: 1-23. Having a strong faith in God and remaining dedicated to a Christian life allows us to flourish and grow.

Recognising its historic foundation, our school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with St Oswald’s Church and the Diocese of York. 

Our school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian Values through the experiences it offers its pupils.

Collective Worship is at the heart of Flamborough School. We work closely with the members of St Oswalds Church, who conduct collective worship once a week on specific themes chosen. We have collective worship every day which is underpinned by Bible story. The Collective worships includes a hymn or song, a section from the Christian Values and Roots and Shoots programme and a prayer with time for reflection.

We hold all end of term services at St Oswald’s where parents are invited and a special programme is put together. 

On the 23rd May 2016 we had our SIAMs inspection which gave us a GOOD in all areas. 

Click on the links below for the Diocese of York website and St Oswald’s Church website



Areas for improvement from SIAMs

To strengthen SMSC by providing more requent atructured opportunities for children to plan and lead collective worship.

To provide opportunities for learners to learn directly from members of a variety of world faiths.